Saturday, July 14, 2007

Helping John Edwards in Memphis

Today I went out for a few hours and gave out flyers to promote the upcoming event that John Edwards in Memphis. It was the first of many chances where I get to help the campaign. I got a lot of different responses to Edwards and the event. Very little negative but I did get a little. One snooty Republican type told me “We do not need a Democrat in the White House”, and another lady was nice but firmly said “Sorry I am a Republican” I guess that means heck no. However several people were very excited about John and the event. One nice man said the John was just the kind of man he wants to vote for. The most interesting response came from two people giving away Red Bull. They were very excited about the event and the girl thought John was cute. I was not sure if they were excited about John Edwards or just riding on the buzz of one too many Red Bulls, but either way they were very nice and told us they would tell others about the event. Overall it was a very positive experience and I hope I was able to help in a small way to make sure that John has a good event here in Memphis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.