Tuesday, July 17, 2007

John Edwards in Memphis

The John Edwards event at MIFA, Memphis Inter Faith Association, last night was a great success. A crowd of about 300 people gave a great speech about poverty in America and how we approach these issues as a people and a government.

The choir from the First Baptist Church performed first and did an excellent job. After the choir there were three people that MIFA is helping through their various programs, and each one told the crowd about themselves and how MIFA has helped them. Senator Edwards came on after that and he spoke about how government can help people, but that it is people that start these movements. He made a reference to how Civil Rights movement started in towns like Memphis and not in Washington. I also like the way he addressed the media and how they frame and talk about what people care and don’t care about. I liked addressing the media, because there have been so many goofy stories about Edwards that have nothing to do with the issues. The crowd was very responsive and I think there was great amount of energy and enthusiasm.

I really liked the way John Edwards talked about government and what they can do, but also talked about people and what they can do to help. The Bush administration and specifically the Iraq War has divided the country and made everything highly partisan. The Administration has really tried to play up on these differences as a tool for re-election and a means to push their agenda through. So I think it is very important that the next president is the president of the whole country and not just the people who support him. I think John Edwards could be the person to do that job, and I was very happy to my small part to help that effort. Hopefully we will see a lot more of John in Memphis and all over the country in the next year and half or so.

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