Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Al Gore in 08

The more time passes and the more times Al Gore says he is not running, the more I believe he is not running. I think there are several reasons to think that he is not running. Number one on that list is that he simply does not want to run. Also the Democrats are much happier with their choices for president. The main reason Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich are seriously thinking about running is that the Republicans are not pleased with their choices. Thompson is running double digit in the polls by only giving a few interviews and some speeches. Al Gore on the other hand seems to be facing an uphill battle against Clinton, Obama, and Edwards. I think several months ago that Gore was being coy about answering the questions about are you running in 08. He was saying no but giving himself an out by saying things like as of now I am not running. Now he is more definitive about saying he is not running for president. Aside from the fact there is a strong field of Democrats Al Gore likes just attacking the climate change issue. Also after running several times maybe Gore does not want to go through all the headaches and hassles that comes with running. He knows firsthand about the endless fundraising, handshaking, and giving the same speech over and over again that is required to run. That has to be very draining and you really have to have to be strong willed to go through that. All of these factors seem to point to the idea that Gore is not running.

This brings me to the question why do some of us want Gore to run anyway. The answer to that question seems pretty simple, and that is it only seems just and fair that Gore gets another chance. Candidate Gore is was not overly impressive but then again neither was George Bush. Then the whole Florida debacle happened and Bush was able to weasel his way into the White House with the help of James Baker, Katherine Harris, and the Supreme Court. Six years of George W. Bush as president has been an utter disaster, and it has only increased the idea that his “winning” in 2000 was a grievous error and simply wrong in so many ways. About the only good thing that has come out this administration is that his train wreck of a presidency has the set Republican Party back at least ten years and has destroyed the coalition that was created under the Reagan Revolution. Other than that I don’t there is anything you can point to out of this gang has done as being a major accomplishment. So given the disaster Bush has been maybe it is that sense fairness that some of think that Al Gore deserves another chance. However, that was then and this is now, and I can’t blame Gore if he does not want to go through that again. It just makes you wonder what President Gore would have been like.

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