Thursday, May 17, 2007

Tony Blair

Like just everybody else that has been involved in some way with support of the Iraq War, Tony Blair is latest victim of being tied to closely with W's inept war. Blair and W had a press conference today as part Blair's last visit to Washington as Prime Minister. There is a clip where Bush is saying how Blair is very well respected and a stand up guy. I could not help thinking too bad he had to be dragged down by you and your horrible foreign policy. Oddly enough I had just watched The Queen this past weekend, and you see a younger and more energetic Blair with visions of newer and better England. Now we see a Tony Blair leaving office and who is strongly disliked in his own country for being too close to Bush. It always seemed like Blair gave Bush intellectual cover when came to the War in Iraq. While both men tended appeal on a kind of emotional level, Blair could articulate his feelings with a kind of eloquence the Bush finds almost impossible to duplicate. We usually see the smiling smug frat boy Bush or the pissed off indignant Bush. Like most world leaders of the modern television age Blair has the power of articulation and does not sound like a second grader reading a book report when he gives a speech. Now like so many leaders in other countries and Republicans here in the states, the Iraq War claims another victim. Now we will see how the next Prime Minister will handle W and the Iraq fiasco.

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