Saturday, May 5, 2007

Hard Out There For A Republican

After the two monster debates in the past couple weeks where 8 Democrats and 10 Republicans squared off to decide who will replace George W Bush. The current president's presence was felt at both debates. The Democrats attacked Bush more than the attacked each other. The Republicans talked about Reagan more but Bush's Iraq war and the war on terror in general were big topics of conversation. In some ways the debates were similar. The top three candidates in both parties did well and did not do anything to hurt themselves. The lower tier candidates did well but nobody did a good enough job to jump into the upper tier. The were some pretty big differences too. Most notably to me the Democrats for the most part were against Iraq and most of the talk was on how to get out. Also all the candidates were on the pro-choice side. The Republicans on the other hand were generally supportive of Iraq most complained about the handling of the war instead of whether or not we should be there with the lone exception being the Libertarian Ron Paul. Predictably all the Republicans were staunchly pro-life. The exception was Giuliani was trying to say I hate abortion but I'm still basically pro-choice.

The Democrats all did well overall. Even Mike Gravel sounded a little kooky but made some good points. Hillary did better than I thought she would. She sounded well prepared and comfortable answering the questions. She did blow me away but she looked and sounded good and she did nothing to hurt her chances. The same could be said for Obama I think he did a good and just has a look and sound that touches something with people. The thing he needs to work on in the substance of his answers he tended to answer in more generalities. John Edwards I think stayed in the rest with his answers but there was nothing that was good or bad. Of the lower tier I liked Joe Biden I think he got it right on dividing Iraq up. I don't think this helped but he did a good job in the debate. He got the laugh of the night by just answering yes to question could he control long answers and not make verbal mistakes. The oddest moment was a exchange between Obama and Mike Gravel about using nuclear weapons.

From the diverse field in the Democratic Party we switch to the group of 10 old white guys who make up the Republican field. Grouped together in the Reagan library each try lay claim to the title of the new Saint Ronny. It is very odd of how this group of pro-life people were talking how precious life but later talked about how important the use of the military was. In other words life is sacred unless you piss us off and then you are toast. Rudy did his usual I changed New York and I was there for 9-11. He had a major stumble on the choice issue. Overall he did good. I just don't think the Republicans will buy the whole Rudy package. Speaking of package how about that Mitt Romney right out of central casting as the good looking guy to play the president. He was sincere and honest and straightforward. Just like a few years ago he was just as sincere about woman's right to choose. At one point he got the question what do you dislike about America, and instead of addressing something that could be fixed with America he gave this flag waving Mom and apple pie answer. Oh Golly gosh I can't think of anything I don't like about America. You big phony why don't think for a minute about that. So the question would be which Mitt is the real Mitt. Speaking of real was the straight talk John McCain of 2000 or the waffling trying to please McCain of the last year or so. I think we maybe saw some of both. I think he generally the best of the Republican big three, but neither Rudy or Romney did anything to hurt themselves. Of the others I thought Mike Huckabee but like Biden for the Democrats I am not sure how much he helped himself. Besides he raised his hand with uber pro-lifer Sam Brownback and angry anti-immigration nut Tom Tancredo that they do not believe in evolution. Bill Maher had a great line about that Friday. You may not believe in evolution but your campaigns will die off as stronger ones survive. Although not as kooky sounding Mike Gravel, Ron Paul the Libertarian provided the counter voice to the status quo especially when it comes to Iraq and the military in general. Paul wants a very restrictive role for government. That line of think used to have more traction with the party. It is just when W came in and messed a lot of Libertarian ideas. The oddest moment may have been when Chris Matthews lobbed up a softball about Bill Clinton being back in the White House basically letting them tee off if a few easy shot on the Clintons. So After 90 minutes of chest thumping and bible thumping of the Republicans on who is best to be the Daddy next no one came out as the clear winner. Other than maybe Fred Thompson who may jump during the Summer some time.

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