Monday, May 21, 2007

Jerry Falwell

I have been thinking about the best way to express myself about the way I feel about the death of Jerry Falwell. It seems to me the right is too quick gloss over the bad parts of the man and all the left wants to do is focus on them. While I am probably more apt to lean to the negative when somebody like Christopher Hitchens comes out with a double barreled shotgun blast of what awful person Falwell is it makes me feel a little sorry for the man. However I think the good reverend is one of the main reasons the country is where it is now. Very divided and polarized and while some of that is the Iraq but I lot of it is the Religious Right making everything us versus them. Everything becomes how Christians are such martyrs to their faith and how they being chased out of the public square by the evils of secular culture. Gays, abortion, The ACLU, and any other symbol of secular life because the target of the Religious Right. Falwell was at the front of this movement in the 80s when he helped Ronald Reagan become president. Falwell and his ilk have turned religion into abortion and homosexuals even some people within the evangelical movement have come out and said being a Christian even being a conservative Christian is more than a couple of hot button issues. Even though Jerry is gone there are still people like Dobson and Robertson to keep hitting those hot buttons, and his Liberty University will continue to churn out college graduates who major in narrow minded thinking. Maybe Bill Maher said it best on Real Time Friday night, "Death isn't always sad."

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